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Can I Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Email on Shopify?

Can I Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Email on Shopify?
Can I Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Email on Shopify?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Abandoned Checkouts
  3. Why Abandoned Checkout Emails Matter
  4. Can You Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Emails on Shopify?
  5. Steps to Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Emails
  6. Why Customers May Not Receive Automated Emails
  7. Optimizing Your Abandoned Checkout Emails
  8. Tools and Apps to Support Abandoned Checkout Recovery
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ


Imagine you're running an online store and notice a significant number of potential customers abandoning their carts. You're left wondering if there's a way to reach out to them and recover those lost sales. Is it possible to manually send abandoned checkout emails on Shopify? This blog post will explore the reasons behind cart abandonment, the importance of recovery emails, and detailed steps on how to send these emails manually on the Shopify platform.

Understanding Abandoned Checkouts

An abandoned checkout occurs when a customer adds items to their cart, provides their email information but then leaves the site without completing the purchase. This can happen for various reasons, such as unexpected shipping fees, complicated checkout processes, or simply changing their mind. These incomplete transactions represent a significant lost revenue opportunity for online businesses.

Why Abandoned Checkout Emails Matter

Abandoned checkout emails serve as a gentle reminder to customers about the items they left behind, encouraging them to finalize their purchase. According to studies, these emails can recover a substantial portion of these abandoned carts, boosting overall sales and enhancing customer engagement.

Can You Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Emails on Shopify?

Yes, you can manually send abandoned checkout emails on Shopify. While Shopify does offer automated solutions, sometimes manual intervention is necessary, especially if the automation is not yet set up or if the customer specifically requests it. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Steps to Manually Send Abandoned Checkout Emails

Step 1: Navigate to Abandoned Checkouts

  1. From your Shopify admin dashboard, go to Orders.
  2. Click on Abandoned checkouts.

Step 2: Select the Abandoned Checkout

  1. In the Abandoned checkouts section, you'll see a list of all customers who have not completed their checkout process.
  2. Click on the specific abandoned checkout you wish to recover.

Step 3: Send a Cart Recovery Email

  1. Within the abandoned checkout details, click on Send a cart recovery email.
  2. Your email client will launch with a pre-generated email that includes a link to the customer's abandoned cart.
  3. You can customize this email if needed before sending it.

Step 4: Optional Customization

  1. You can enter a custom message in the email body.
  2. Add any additional recipients if necessary.
  3. Click on Review email to check for accuracy.

Step 5: Send the Email

  1. After reviewing, click Send notification.
  2. Monitor the Recovery status on the Abandoned checkout page to see if the customer completes their order using the provided link.

Why Customers May Not Receive Automated Emails

There are instances when your automated abandoned checkout emails might not be delivered. These include:

  • The customer has made multiple abandoned checkouts in a short period.
  • The checkout total is $0.
  • Email marketing compliance issues.

Understanding these scenarios can help you identify when manual intervention is necessary.

Optimizing Your Abandoned Checkout Emails

While manually sending these emails can be effective, enhancing the content of your recovery emails can further increase conversions:

Include Discounts or Incentives

Offering a discount code or incentive in the recovery email can encourage customers to complete their purchase. Ensure the discount is appealing enough to nudge them towards action.

Create Urgency

Incorporate a sense of urgency in your email copy. Phrases like "Limited stock available" or "Complete your purchase within 24 hours to get free shipping" can push customers to act quickly.

Highlight Security and Trust

Including security badges and trust signals in your email can reassure customers that their transactions are safe and secure.

Personalize the Message

A personalized email that addresses the customer by name and mentions the specific items they left behind can make the communication more engaging and effective.

Tools and Apps to Support Abandoned Checkout Recovery

While manual sending is essential, using apps like Klaviyo, Jilt, or Abandon Aid can automate this process and offer advanced features such as analytics, multiple emails, and A/B testing.


Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with Shopify, helping you send automated emails to recover abandoned carts. It offers robust analytics to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns.


Jilt specializes in recovering abandoned carts by sending well-timed emails designed to bring customers back to complete their purchases. It also provides detailed performance reports.

Abandon Aid

Abandon Aid offers unlimited abandoned cart emails and focuses on simplicity and effectiveness. It doesn’t require complicated setups and is suitable for businesses of all sizes.


Manual intervention to send abandoned checkout emails on Shopify can significantly impact your sales recovery efforts. By following the steps outlined above, you can personalize your approach and ensure that potential sales don't slip through the cracks.

Don't let abandoned carts drag down your revenue. Use the insights and steps shared in this blog post to effectively recover lost sales and enhance your customer retention strategy.


Can I set up automated abandoned checkout emails in Shopify?

Yes, Shopify allows you to set up automated abandoned checkout emails through its Marketing section, providing an efficient way to recover lost sales.

What should I include in my abandoned checkout email?

Your email should include a reminder of the items left behind, a call-to-action to complete the purchase, any discounts or incentives, and trust signals.

Can I use third-party apps to recover abandoned checkouts?

Yes, apps like Klaviyo, Jilt, and Abandon Aid can automate your recovery processes and provide additional features to optimize your campaigns.

How often should I send abandoned checkout emails?

Ideally, you should send the first email within an hour of abandonment, followed by a second email within 24 hours, and a final reminder a few days later.

What if a customer doesn't receive the automated email?

In such cases, you can manually send the abandoned checkout email using the steps outlined above, ensuring no potential sale is missed.

By leveraging both manual and automated approaches, you can maximize your potential to recover abandoned checkouts on Shopify and drive more sales for your business.

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