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Abandoned Checkout Shopify Change Code

Abandoned Checkout Shopify Change Code
Abandoned Checkout Shopify Change Code

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an Abandoned Checkout in Shopify?
  3. Why Change the Abandoned Checkout Code?
  4. Setting Up a Discount Code for Recovery Emails
  5. Reviewing Abandoned Checkout Details
  6. Optimizing Recovery Emails with Custom Templates
  7. Resetting to Default Templates
  8. Best Practices and Tips


Ever wondered how many sales slip through your fingers due to abandoned checkouts? If you run an eCommerce store on Shopify, this issue is likely a familiar frustration. Abandoned checkouts occur when customers add items to their cart but leave before completing their purchase. It’s a common challenge but also an opportunity. What if you could tweak your Shopify store’s code to change how you handle abandoned checkouts and reclaim those lost sales? By the end of this post, you'll learn how to do exactly that, making the checkout process more seamless and enticing for your customers.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to change the code for abandoned checkouts on Shopify. We'll discuss setting up automatic discount codes, editing templates to include personalized messages, and ensuring your checkout notifications are optimized for conversion. Let's dive in and turn those missed sales into completed checkouts!

What is an Abandoned Checkout in Shopify?

Before we dive into the technical steps, it's crucial to understand what an abandoned checkout is. An abandoned checkout happens when a customer reaches the payment stage but doesn't complete the purchase. Shopify considers a checkout abandoned after 10 minutes of inactivity, provided that the customer has entered their email address.

Understanding why customers abandon their carts can help you tailor your recovery strategies. Reasons may include unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, or simply distraction. Shopify provides tools and features to address these issues, such as abandoned checkout recovery emails.

Why Change the Abandoned Checkout Code?

Customizing the code for your abandoned checkouts can have several significant benefits:

  1. Recover Lost Sales: By sending timely and customized recovery emails, you remind customers about their incomplete purchases.
  2. Personalization: Custom messages and discounts can make customers feel valued, increasing the likelihood of completing the purchase.
  3. Brand Consistency: Align your recovery notifications with your brand’s voice and aesthetics for a seamless customer experience.

Setting Up a Discount Code for Recovery Emails

One effective way to encourage customers to complete their abandoned checkouts is by offering a discount. Here’s how you can set up a discount code specifically for this purpose:

Step 1: Create a Discount Code

  1. Navigate to Discounts: From your Shopify admin, go to the Discounts section.
  2. Create Discount: Click on Create discount code.
  3. Set Up the Discount: Choose a name for your discount, such as "ABANDONED10". Set the discount type to either a percentage or a fixed amount and enter the value.
  4. Save: Confirm the settings and save the discount code.

Step 2: Embed the Discount in Recovery Emails

  1. Access Notifications: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Edit the Template: Scroll to find Abandoned checkout and click on it.
  3. Insert Code Snippet: In the Email body (HTML) section, find the lines containing {{ url }} and {{ shop.url }}. Replace these with dynamic code snippets that apply your discount automatically.

For example, modify:

<a href="{{ url }}">Complete your purchase</a>


<a href="{{ url }}?discount=ABANDONED10">Complete your purchase with a discount</a>
  1. Customize Your Message: Edit the text in the email body to inform the customers about the discount they’re getting for completing their purchase. For example:
<p>Hi there,</p>
<p>It looks like you left some items in your cart. Complete your purchase within the next 24 hours and use code <strong>ABANDONED10</strong> to get 10% off!</p>
  1. Save: Scroll down and save the changes.

Reviewing Abandoned Checkout Details

Understanding the patterns in your abandoned checkouts can provide valuable insights. Here’s how to review the details:

  1. Navigate to Orders: From your Shopify admin, go to Orders > Abandoned checkouts.
  2. Analyze Patterns: Look for common reasons why customers abandon their carts. Are there particular items that are frequently abandoned? Are customers getting stuck at a specific stage in the checkout process?

By analyzing this data, you can identify potential issues and refine your recovery strategies.

Optimizing Recovery Emails with Custom Templates

Aside from adding discounts, you can further customize your abandoned checkout emails to make them more appealing:

  1. Add Personalization Tags: Use tags like {{ first_name }} to address customers by their names.
  2. Include Product Images: Visual cues can remind customers of the products they left behind.
  3. Create Urgency: Mention the limited-time nature of the discounts or cart reservations.

For example, an enhanced template snippet might look like:

<p>Hi {{ first_name }},</p>
<p>We noticed you left {{ product_name }} in your cart. Complete your purchase within the next 24 hours and use code <strong>ABANDONED10</strong> to get $10 off!</p>
<img src="{{ product_image_url }}" alt="{{ product_name }}">

Resetting to Default Templates

If you’ve made changes to your email templates and want to revert to the original, Shopify makes this easy:

  1. Navigate to the Notification Template: Go to Settings > Notifications, and select Abandoned checkout.
  2. Revert to Default: Scroll to the bottom of the template and select Revert to default. Confirm to restore the original template.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Test Your Emails: Always send test emails to ensure everything looks and functions correctly.
  2. Time Your Emails: Experiment with the timing of your recovery emails. Studies suggest that sending an email within the first hour increases recovery rates.
  3. Monitor Performance: Utilize Shopify’s abandoned checkout report to monitor the success of your recovery emails. Tweak your strategies based on performance.


Optimizing your abandoned checkout process on Shopify involves a blend of technical tweaks and strategic enhancements. By embedding discount codes, personalizing messages, and refining the overall approach, you can significantly improve your chances of converting abandoned carts into completed sales. This guide provides the steps to get started, but continually testing and adapting your methods will ensure ongoing success.


Q: Can I automate the abandoned checkout recovery emails?
A: Yes, Shopify allows you to automate these emails via the Marketing section in the admin panel.

Q: What if the discount code doesn't apply correctly?
A: Ensure the discount code is active and correctly referenced in the email template. Check for any special characters in the discount code name, which can cause issues.

Q: How often should I review abandoned checkout reports?
A: Regularly review your reports—ideally, weekly. This helps you identify trends and address issues promptly.

Q: Can I include multiple discounts in the recovery email?
A: While technically possible, it's best to keep it simple to avoid confusing the customer. Focus on a single compelling offer.

Boost your conversion rates by making abandoned checkout recovery emails an integral part of your sales strategy. Start making these changes today and watch as those unfinished purchases turn into sales completions.

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