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Where to Add Terms and Conditions at Checkout on Shopify

Where to Add Terms and Conditions at Checkout on Shopify
Where to Add Terms and Conditions at Checkout on Shopify

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Adding Terms and Conditions
  3. Possible Locations for Adding Terms and Conditions
  4. Step-by-Step Guide: Adding T&C Checkbox to the Cart Page
  5. Best Practices for Implementation
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ


Picture this: You’ve meticulously curated your Shopify store, ensuring every detail reflects your brand's ethos. Everything looks perfect until you face a potential legal hurdle — managing customer acceptance of Terms and Conditions (T&C) during the checkout process. Ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate a checkbox for T&C acceptance into your Shopify checkout process? This blog post will provide you with comprehensive insights into where and how to add terms and conditions at checkout on Shopify, helping you safeguard your business and enhance customer transparency.

Ensuring customers agree to your Terms and Conditions before finalizing a purchase is crucial for legal protection against potential conflicts and chargebacks. But did you know that the standard Shopify plans restrict modifications to the checkout page? Instead, the customization is typically confined to the cart page. This article will guide you through various methods, available tools, and strategies to successfully implement a T&C checkbox without requiring high-tier plans or hefty expenses.

By the end of this post, you’ll understand the strategic placement of the T&C checkbox, how to implement it using different methods, and how to leverage Shopify tools effectively. Let's dive in!

Importance of Adding Terms and Conditions

Integrating Terms and Conditions into your checkout process serves multiple purposes:

  • Legal Protection: It offers a legal safeguard against disputes, ensuring customers acknowledge your policies before purchase.
  • Customer Transparency: It reinforces your transparency with customers, laying down clear guidelines on returns, refunds, and other policies.
  • Compliance: For stores operating in regions with stringent consumer laws, it ensures compliance with local regulations.

Possible Locations for Adding Terms and Conditions

1. Cart Page

For most Shopify plans, adding the T&C checkbox on the cart page is the most viable option. This approach prompts users to accept the terms before they proceed to checkout, covering most legal bases:

  • Implementation: Access the cart page (found at and add the checkbox through coding.
  • Steps: Modify theme code within the Shopify admin interface to include a custom checkbox.

2. Checkout Page (Shopify Plus Only)

Only Shopify Plus users have the ability to add custom elements directly to the checkout page. This direct approach is ideal for ensuring users acknowledge terms right before final payment:

  • Cost: The Shopify Plus plan starts at approximately $2,000 per month.
  • Implementation: Customize the checkout.liquid script in the Shopify Plus settings.

Step-by-Step Guide: Adding T&C Checkbox to the Cart Page

Using Theme Customization

Most Shopify themes, including Dawn, Debut, and Brooklyn, allow you to add custom code snippets to achieve this:

  1. Create a Checkbox Snippet:
    • Navigate to Online Store > Themes.
    • Choose Edit Code in your current theme.
    • Under Snippets, create a new snippet file named cart-termsbox.liquid.
    • Add the following code to the new snippet:
<p style="text-align: left; margin: 20px 0;">
  <input type="checkbox" id="terms-checkbox" required>
  <label for="terms-checkbox">I agree to the <a href="/no/pages/terms-and-conditions" target="_blank">terms and conditions</a>.</label>
  1. Include Snippet in the Cart:
    • Open the main-cart-footer.liquid file found in the Sections directory.
    • Add the snippet at the relevant position before the checkout button:
{% render 'cart-termsbox' %}
<input type="submit" name="checkout" id="checkout-button" class="btn--secondary btn--full" value="Checkout">
  1. Validation:
    • To ensure customers cannot proceed without checking the box, add a validation script. Insert this JavaScript into the theme.js or equivalent file:
document.getElementById('checkout-button').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  if (!document.getElementById('terms-checkbox').checked) {
    alert('Please agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding.');

Using Shopify Apps

If coding sounds daunting, several Shopify apps simplify this process:

  1. RT: Terms and Conditions Box:

    • Features: Easy installation, customizable, records time/date of acceptance, free.
    • Installation: Available on the Shopify App Store, it can be activated with a few clicks and no coding required.
  2. AgreeBox:

    • Features: Offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, customizable, free.
    • Installation: Directly from the Shopify App Store with simple integration steps.

Using Shopify Plus

For those on the Shopify Plus plan:

  1. Navigate to Checkout Script Editor in your admin settings.
  2. Add custom scripts to checkout.liquid to insert the T&C checkbox directly on the checkout page.
  3. Ensure proper validation to prevent checkout without terms acceptance.

Best Practices for Implementation

  1. Clear Language: Ensure the T&C text is clear and easily understood.
  2. Visibility: Place the checkbox in a prominent location.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure the checkbox format is mobile-friendly.
  4. Error Handling: Include proper alerts and error messages for unchecked terms.


To wrap up, adding a Terms and Conditions checkbox is a straightforward yet critical step in protecting your Shopify store from legal disputes and enhancing customer transparency. While Shopify restricts direct modifications to the checkout page for most plans, incorporating the checkbox on the cart page or using specialized apps provides a robust solution.

Remember, the goal is to ensure customers explicitly agree to your terms without complicating the checkout process. With the right implementation, you not only safeguard your business but also build trust with your clientele.


  1. Can I add a T&C checkbox directly to the checkout page on basic Shopify plans?

    • No, customizing the checkout page directly requires a Shopify Plus plan. For other plans, you can add the checkbox to the cart page.
  2. Do I need coding knowledge to add a T&C checkbox?

    • Basic coding knowledge is helpful but not necessary. There are apps available that allow you to add the checkbox without any coding.
  3. Which Shopify apps are available for adding a T&C checkbox to the cart or checkout?

    • RT: Terms and Conditions Box and AgreeBox are popular free options on the Shopify App Store.
  4. What happens if a customer does not check the T&C box?

    • The validation script or app settings should prevent customers from proceeding to checkout until they accept the terms.

Ensuring compliance and clarity through T&C acceptance not only protects your business but also fosters a trustworthy relationship with your customers. Happy selling!

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