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How to Do a Shopify Post-Sale Upsell

How to Do a Shopify Post-Sale Upsell
How to Do a Shopify Post-Sale Upsell

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Post-Sale Upsell?
  3. Types of Upsells
  4. Pre- vs. Post-Purchase Upsells
  5. Implementing Post-Sale Upsells on Shopify
  6. Overcoming Challenges
  7. FAQs
  8. Conclusion


Imagine this: A customer has just hit the "checkout" button on their cart loaded with goodies from your Shopify store. Now, you have a golden opportunity to show them complementary products or enticing upgrades without waiting for their next visit. That's the essence of a post-sale upsell. Not only can it boost your average order value (AOV), but it can also enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

In a world where 60% to 70% of sales come from existing customers, leveraging upselling becomes a game-changer. Whether you're new to e-commerce or looking to refine your strategy, this blog post will dive deep into how to do a Shopify post-sale upsell effectively. We'll cover why upsells are crucial, the different types of upsells, and actionable steps to implement them on your Shopify store.

Expect to walk away with a comprehensive understanding and actionable tips to elevate your Shopify store's average order value and customer satisfaction. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started.

What is a Post-Sale Upsell?

A post-sale upsell involves offering additional products or upgrades to a customer after they have completed their purchase but before the transaction is fully finalized. This typically happens between the checkout and the thank-you page. It’s a strategic moment because the customer is already in a buying mindset and less resistant to making additional purchases.

Benefits of Post-Sale Upselling

  1. Increased AOV: It's a proven way to increase the average order value. You're capitalizing on an already interested customer, which can add significant revenue over time.
  2. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Well-crafted upsell offers can help customers find better quality or additional products that suit their needs.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: Existing customers have a 60%-70% probability of making a purchase compared to new ones, making upsells a smarter tactic.
  4. Customer Loyalty: Repeat customers feel that they are getting more value, which enhances loyalty.

Types of Upsells

Pre-Purchase Upsell

This occurs before the transaction is completed, usually on the product or cart page. Here, you may offer complementary products or premium versions of the item customers are looking to buy.

Post-Purchase Upsell

This takes place after the transaction is complete but before the customer leaves the thank-you page. It's an ideal moment to introduce a last-minute add-on or upgrade.


While not an upsell per se, cross-selling involves suggesting related products, like offering a matching phone case when a customer buys a smartphone. It's a complementary technique to upselling.

Pre- vs. Post-Purchase Upsells

Pre-Purchase Upsells


  • Customers can add to their cart before making the payment.
  • Works well for small add-ons or free gifts.


  • Can sometimes disrupt the buying flow, causing cart abandonment.

Post-Purchase Upsells


  • Customers have already made the commitment to purchase, making them more likely to accept additional offers.
  • The transaction flow is uninterrupted, maintaining a smooth customer experience.


  • Requires a strategic approach to ensure relevance and avoid overwhelming the customer.

Implementing Post-Sale Upsells on Shopify

Step 1: Choosing the Right Products

Identify products that logically complement your core items. For instance, if a customer has purchased a camera, offering an SD card or a protective case makes perfect sense. The goal is to enhance the original purchase without coming across as pushy or irrelevant.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Apps

Shopify offers multiple apps designed to facilitate post-sale upselling. Popular choices include:

  • ReConvert Upsell & Cross-Sell: Known for its user-friendly interface and customizable thank-you page upsells.
  • OneClickUpsell by Zipify: Ideal for creating seamless post-purchase offers that integrate well into the Shopify store.
  • AfterSell Post Purchase Upsell: Offers customization and AI-driven recommendations to boost AOV.

Step 3: Crafting Your Offer

The offer needs to be compelling and relevant. Here are a few strategies:

Offer Discounts on Additional Purchases

A limited-time discount can make the upsell more enticing. For example, offering a 10% off on an accessory if purchased within the next 30 minutes can create a sense of urgency and prompt action.

Free Shipping Thresholds

Offering free shipping if the customer's order reaches a certain amount can encourage them to add more items to their cart.

Step 4: Timing and Placement

The key to a successful post-purchase upsell is timing. Display your upsell offer immediately after the customer completes the purchase but before they reach the thank-you page. This sweet spot ensures they are still in a buying mindset.

Step 5: Personalization

Personalization can significantly increase the effectiveness of your upsell strategy. Use data from previous purchases to make tailored recommendations.

Examples and Case Studies

Example 1: Boutique Furniture Store

A Shopify store that sells boutique furniture can use a post-purchase upsell to suggest complementary decor items. For instance, when a customer buys a sofa, they could be offered matching cushions or a coffee table at a discounted price.

Example 2: Organic Skincare Brand

A brand specializing in organic skincare products can offer a subscription service. If a customer buys a face serum, they can be presented with an option to subscribe and save on future purchases.

Case Study: Fly By Jing

Fly By Jing, a company specializing in Sichuan sauces, implemented post-purchase upsells by offering variety packs of sauces at checkout. This strategy not only increased their AOV but also helped build a loyal customer base who appreciated the variety of their offerings.

Overcoming Challenges

Avoid Being Overly Aggressive

The line between effective upselling and being pushy can be thin. Ensure that your upsell offers are genuinely beneficial to your customers and aligned with their needs.

Keeping It Simple

Don't overwhelm customers with too many choices. Stick to one or two upsell offers that are highly relevant to their initial purchase.

Monitoring and Adjustment

Constantly monitor the performance of your upsell offers. Use analytics to track what is working and make necessary adjustments to optimize your strategy.


What is the best app for post-purchase upselling?

Apps like ReConvert, OneClickUpsell by Zipify, and AfterSell are highly recommended for their robust features and ease of use.

How can I ensure my upsell offers are relevant?

Use customer data and purchase history to tailor personalized upsell offers. This increases the likelihood of acceptance.

Do upsell offers annoy customers?

If done correctly, upsell offers should complement the customer's purchase and enhance their shopping experience. Relevance and tact are crucial.


Post-sale upselling on Shopify is a powerful tactic to maximize revenue from existing customers. By strategically implementing upsell offers that add value and enhance the customer experience, you can significantly increase your average order value and build stronger customer relationships. Start with identifying the right products, choose suitable apps, craft compelling offers, and always keep your focus on enhancing the customer journey. With the right approach and continuous monitoring, your Shopify store can thrive with an effective upsell strategy in place.

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